
Back to Curriculum (Years 7-11)

Senior School History at Rookwood develops a love for the past that helps us understand the present and inform the future.

Bringing History to life

Studying History at Rookwood is engaging and accessible to all, in a calm and welcoming environment. Interactive lessons, live demonstrations and practical activities help bring History to life. We employ an inquiry-based approach which allows pupils to discover the past for themselves and in doing so, to form their own opinions whilst developing their analytical skills.

Learning beyond lessons 

History is a dynamic, ever-evolving discipline and our lessons incorporate current research and historiography. Pupils are encouraged to immerse themselves in History both inside and outside the classroom, enriched by our termly bulletin ‘Read, Watch, Ask, Visit’ sent to parents, which lists upcoming topics and suggestions for curriculum-based discussion at home.

Trips are an important part of the History curriculum at Rookwood.  In Year 7, pupils visit the Mary Rose Museum and Basing House; in Year 8 they meet a ‘real’ Titanic survivor and travel back in time for tea and cake with a suffragette! Year 9 have the unique opportunity to suggest ideas and vote for their end of year trip.  GCSE History pupils visit the Imperial War Museum and Berlin, to deepen their knowledge of complex historical events.