Friends of Rookwood


Friends of Rookwood School (FORS) is a committee comprising parents and teachers. Our aim is to act as a social catalyst within the school and also combine that with raising funds for ‘extras’. Not everything organised by the Friends aims to raise money, we also arrange fun social events for both pupils and parents.

Over the years FORS has arranged the following events:

  • Fireworks Night
  • Quiz night
  • Junior Discos
  • Drinks at School Plays & Music evenings
  • Parents Tea on the lawn
  • Phil the bag

These events have raised funds to allow FORS to provide the following items:

  • Play equipment in Rookery & the Nursery
  • Pirate Ship for Lower School
  • iPads across the school
  • Cameras for both staff and pupils
  • Apple TVs across the school
  • Picnic benches
  • Senior School Team Sports kit
  • Lower School Team Sports kit
  • TV for Boarders
  • Library furniture
  • PA system for the Music department
  • New facilities in the Main Hall

Get involved

If you have an idea or suggestion or would like to join in and donate some time to helping at an event or even create your own one, then please contact us at

News & Events

A group of Rookwood School students sat on a bench outside

A Happy and Thriving School: October 2022

Is it possible to have a pastorally focused school which also has high academic standards? At Rookwood, the answer is…

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PE round-up for Autumn half term

A busy half term! It has been a busy half term of learning in PE with most year groups spending…

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Our forthcoming Open Mornings

Our Open Morning provides an opportunity to see the school in action, with a presentation from the Headmaster, a tour…

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Request a Prospectus

In our prospectus, you'll find more information about the school, the facilities and what it's like to be part of the Rookwood family.