Inspection Reports

Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) Integrated Inspection

We are proud of our Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) Integrated Inspection report which took place in September and October 2015 and also the Regulatory Compliance Inspection which took place in October and November 2018.

Integrated Inspection Report Summary

  • Inspectors found that, throughout the school, ‘teaching reflects the aim to encourage pupils to perform to the best of their ability in all spheres of activity.’
  • The report noted the ‘relationships between pupils of all ages and teachers are excellent’, lessons are ‘well planned’ and the teaching was ‘lively and interactive’.
  • The provision of teaching for children up to five was judged to be excellent, with a teaching team who ‘foster an ethos of joyful learning through their own enthusiasm and dedication.’
  • Inspectors commented that the ability of children within this age group to concentrate and to engage in focused activities was ‘exceptional.
  • The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils in all areas of the school was also regarded as excellent.
  • The report described the pupils’ behaviour as exemplary with pupils both courteous and kind and ‘personal qualities of self-discipline and self-esteem widely evident.’
  • Throughout the school, inspectors were impressed by socially confident pupils who demonstrate mutual support for others.
  • Younger pupils show ‘considerable empathy, kindness and consideration’ and older pupils are ‘kind and caring towards younger children, working together for the mutual benefit of all.’
Rookwood Private School building

“Teachers have high expectations and foster an ethos of joyful learning. “Pupils show highly positive attitudes to their work and activities”


Further findings

  • The report also found the arrangements for health and safety and pastoral care to be excellent.
  • Inspectors reported that the senior leadership team had ‘set out a strong vision for providing excellent educational opportunities for all pupils’ which ‘ensures the school is a compassionate place where pupils and their well-being are given the highest priority.’
  • Rookwood’s private boarding provision was also praised as excellent in every area by the inspection team. Inspectors noted its ‘family atmosphere and described pupils as being ‘courteous, confident and tolerant, reflecting the ethos that everyone counts.’

Rookwood Family

Isabelle – Year 7

The school is really good at helping those who are finding things difficult and hard, they are really supportive when you need help and advice.

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Mrs House

Nurturing children’s curiosity and embedding a love of learning is a core aim of mine, as well as fostering a community of happy, kind, polite and resilient young people.

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Mrs Abraham

I have been lucky enough to work at Rookwood School for the last twenty years – which sounds like a very long time but which has gone in a flash.

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