Rookwood School currently offers scholarships at 11+, 13+ and 16+ in Academic, Art, Drama, Music and Sports. Click on this links below to find out more information abut each subject area.
Application process
- Scholarship applicants must apply by Friday 13th January 2023. To apply, please complete the application form below and email it to or return it to the main school office.
- We expect to assess all scholarship applications by Friday 3rd February 2023.
- Individual pupils may apply for a maximum of two practical scholarships in any one year. For example, a pupil may apply for Art and Sport (two practical), or Academic, Drama and Music (academic plus two practical), but not Art, Drama and Sport (three practical).
- Most scholars will be offered a 10% discount on fees. A higher discount may be offered in exceptional circumstances, for example for an outstanding candidate or where a candidate demonstrates promise in two or more areas.
- All scholarships last until the end of the Sixth Form, provided that the scholar upholds the standards expected of him/her. There is no need to reapply at 13+ or 16+ unless a candidate wishes to be considered for an additional scholarship.
- The school reserves the right to withdraw a scholarship where it is considered that a pupil is not meeting the expectations of a scholar. Such an act will only be taken following consultation with the parents of the pupil concerned. A full term’s notice will be given for any removal of scholarship status.
11+ Scholarship Application Form