Learning Support

Personalised Support

The Rookwood School Learning Support Department has the experience and expertise to reduce barriers to learning and provide personalised interventions to ensure each pupil thrives.

Inclusive and compassionate

We welcome students of different abilities, backgrounds and aptitudes, including those with English as an additional language. Before they join, we meet and assess all of our starters to identify their individual strengths and weaknesses, enabling us to individualised learning support. The range of learning support we offer can be incredibly diverse, as it should be, to reflect the unique value of your child.

Rookwood School students sat at desks writing in their workbooks

Multi-layered input and dynamic support

We take great care to keep track of every one of our pupils as they progress through the school, preparing a dynamic and informed IEP (Individual Education Plan) if required, which are updated in consultation with the child, the parents and the teachers – our approach is very student centered. This way, we are confident that we can identify and deal with any educational needs as they arise, and carefully informed by multi-layered input.

Rookwood Primary School student writing

Smooth and informed transitions for new pupils

We believe a sharing of information is a critical aspect of learning support provision to ensure any new pupils we welcome are able to ‘hit the ground running’, able to take full advantage of a fresh start when joining Rookwood Primary School. A smooth transition is essential for any new chapter, especially when starting a new school. This process is greatly assisted by our knowledgeable SEN team, their strong coordination with fellow SEN departments from any school as a child might be arriving to us from, even if joining us from an international school. The transition must be seamless to ensure continuity and consistency for each child’s wellbeing and success.

Rookwood private primary school pupils laughing

A team around the child

Our experienced team of Learning Support Assistants and specialist teachers are available to every pupil. Once a pupil’s needs have been identified we work closely with the pupil, parents and teachers to agree the most appropriate provision to support that pupil. This provision is reviewed on a regular basis.

Rookwood Nursery pupils sat with teacher

Rookwood Family

Mrs Abraham

I have been lucky enough to work at Rookwood School for the last twenty years – which sounds like a very long time but which has gone in a flash.

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Mr Winnett

I really enjoy helping the pupils to develop their confidence within the subject and we try to make maths enjoyable and accessible to everyone.

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Miya – Year 11

My teachers have worked really hard to prepare me for my GCSEs.

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News & Events

A group of Rookwood School students sat on a bench outside

A Happy and Thriving School: October 2022

Is it possible to have a pastorally focused school which also has high academic standards? At Rookwood, the answer is…

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PE round-up for Autumn half term

A busy half term! It has been a busy half term of learning in PE with most year groups spending…

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Our forthcoming Open Mornings

Our Open Morning provides an opportunity to see the school in action, with a presentation from the Headmaster, a tour…

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