We offer a flexible choice of sessions.
All children present at 12pm are escorted to the Dining Hall, where they can have a cooked school meal or eat their own packed lunch.
Early arrival times: 7.30am and 8.00am
Standard arrival time 8.30am
Collection times: 12.00pm and 1.00pm
Arrival times: 12.00pm or 1.00pm
Standard collection times: 3 pm and 3.30pm
Late collection time: 4pm, 4.30pm, 5pm, 5.30pm
and 6.00pm
All day session:
8.30am – 3.30pm
Wraparound Care
Breakfast club
Breakfast Club is available in the Rookery Building
from 7.30am and serves a range of cereals and
toast, yoghurt and fruit.
Later provision
Later provision is available between 3.30pm and
6pm, parents should provide a packed snack for
their ‘Tea’ that the children have at 4pm.