Bus routes

Available routes

Rookwood Independent School offers six bus routes to and from school. The pricing structure takes into account that pupils may not use the return service every day due to after-school clubs.

School bus routes

Please book a place through the Parent Portal or by using the School Bus Termly Booking form below.

School Bus Termly Booking Form

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News & Events

A group of Rookwood School students sat on a bench outside

A Happy and Thriving School: October 2022

Is it possible to have a pastorally focused school which also has high academic standards? At Rookwood, the answer is…

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PE round-up for Autumn half term

A busy half term! It has been a busy half term of learning in PE with most year groups spending…

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Our forthcoming Open Mornings

Our Open Morning provides an opportunity to see the school in action, with a presentation from the Headmaster, a tour…

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