About Rookwood Senior School

The senior school is a vibrant place where academic excellence is encouraged and expected. Our highly qualified and experienced staff prepare an exciting curriculum, which stretches and challenges all pupils, leading to continued exam success. Whether that be a love of science, the creative arts, a passion for literature or achieving sporting excellence, we shape and develop our teaching to meet the needs of our pupils.

We pride ourselves on our excellent pastoral care. The relationships pupils develop with the staff and their peers epitomises ‘the Rookwood family’. We strive to support, champion and encourage individuals to be the very best version of themselves.

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Excellent pastoral care

Our Senior School places pastoral care at the heart of everything we do. This starts with form tutors who build positive relationships with their tutees. We also follow the Emotional Assertiveness programme, which teaches students the importance of respecting their own emotions and those of others. For those times when a student needs some extra support, they are able to visit our ELSA-trained Pastoral Support Assistant, Mrs Newton, in The Hub or our Counsellor, Mrs Taylor.

pastoral care

Rookwood School students smiling in class completing work

Academic excellence

Through a combination of small classes and focused teaching from experienced and dedicated teachers, our students achieve excellent GCSE grades. With more than 40% of results at the highest Grades 7 to 9, we are in the Telegraph’s top 200 independent schools for GCSE grades. This is particularly impressive given that Rookwood is non-selective.

gcses at rookwood

A classroom full of Rookwood Senior School students sat at desks

News & Events

A group of Rookwood School students sat on a bench outside

A Happy and Thriving School: October 2022

Is it possible to have a pastorally focused school which also has high academic standards? At Rookwood, the answer is…

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PE round-up for Autumn half term

A busy half term! It has been a busy half term of learning in PE with most year groups spending…

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Our forthcoming Open Mornings

Our Open Morning provides an opportunity to see the school in action, with a presentation from the Headmaster, a tour…

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Rookwood Family

Mrs Jellard

I am proud to be part of our community and see the impact we can have on students and the progress they can make.

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Miya – Year 11

My teachers have worked really hard to prepare me for my GCSEs.

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Mrs Abraham

I have been lucky enough to work at Rookwood School for the last twenty years – which sounds like a very long time but which has gone in a flash.

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