
Back to Curriculum (Years 7-11)

Rookwood’s Maths department is a hive of specialist mathematicians, with one main aim – to instil an enjoyment of Maths into all Rookwood students.

A multi-tiered curriculum

In the Senior School, Maths helps pupils to master solving complex problems with perseverance and understand that they can embrace mistakes as part of this process. Supportive, skilled and experienced teachers bring fun into Maths at Rookwood offering a multi-tiered curriculum that builds on prior learning from Year 7 through to Year 11.

Other opportunities

Various topics are investigated, shared on the ‘Rookwood Maths Learning Journey’ document in a supportive collaborative environment. The department has a suite of three classrooms, one of which is a designated ICT room which enables interactive digital learning opportunities. At Rookwood we subscribe to Hegarty Maths where students have access to their own profile which helps them to reinforce their Maths skills and is ideal for revision purposes.


Maths is a core GCSE and all students are entered for Edexcel International GCSE Specification A at either Higher or Foundation. Where appropriate, some pupils will be offered entry to the AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics. This qualification helps to bridge the gap between GCSE and A Level, and is especially appropriate for talented Mathematicians. Pupils also enjoy participation in national competitions such as the UKMT Junior and Intermediate Maths challenges and the UKMT Team Maths Challenge at Oxford University.